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Golden Package Program (all tasks in one stronger file)

This audio program is a golden package that combines all the offered tasks in the other audio files in a single file. The golden package has also exclusively strengthened the programming of all the tasks to enhance and speed the objectives towards a positive soul in the life. In particular, a high emphasis has been given for the treatment of big and old psychological and satanic diseases including jinns following rare cases. The golden package is also good to support the treatment of attention deficity hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In addition, it provides a good treatment for delayed speech in children where there is no physical problems. Furthermore, the golden program is considered as a good self-charging for workers involved in the treatment of psychological and behavioral disorders. In this golden program, there are about 2000 subliminal messages have been adopted to enhance a fast positive life. The development of this exclusive and unique file took six years of work and effort to reach its current level of high impact.

Before using the subliminal file, you must read its instructions on the home page.

This subliminal file must be used for at least 3 months for full treatment and there is no need to apply with it the other elements of the SMPS technique. 


Price: $143 USD


There are no monthly or annual fees for using the Golden Program and it is usable in all devices for an unlimited number of them. In case of the Golden Program is lost, it is then required to buy a new copy again.


To buy the Golden Program contact us on WhatsApp at (+968) 95223324.